Do you remember?
I am your buddy.
Always on table.
Don't let me alone.
If you like me,
Please take me home.
* - Take Me, Phone for iOS : Guard and Locate, Track Your Lost or Stolen iDevice, Integration Time Report and Social functions and so on
- Version list: 2.6 --- Paid.
Guard iPod Touch
Watch iPad
Track iPhone
Take Me Phone for iOS4 will take effect to avoid a lost event with you.
Anti-theft, watch out for pickpockets are its standard functions.
♻ Only once fee to buy, No any yearly or monthly fees ♻
✑ TMP4 integrated very many daily functions make a micro-system, Many efforts so as to reduce the resource consumption, and to guard device. Also try to avoid to become a kind of App are boring and single-function.

Over 100 countries of people to download it from Nov 11, Over 70% user in 63 countries run it by everyday.
Combination with more than 50% that most commonly used these functions of your device to integrate in this APP.
❖ How to use Trace & Locator function :
( It was availabled from the version 2.x of Take Me, Phone for iOS4. )
Trace yourself : (Google Buzz was discontinuous, Replace to Google +)
At first, you need to login your Gmail account to use these functions.
The locator of GPS to do the track of Google + in your Gmail account.
Second, Please add your Gmail account to the track list of Google +.
Third, You can add anyone at <Follow more people> from your contacts to track them.
Fourth, Tap your track list of Google +.
Please use these functions: <Add friends Privacy > to create your track list and share your locator.
Change the accuracy of GPS from the page button ( at top left corner ) in Google + page.
❖ How to Find the Mr. Right or Ms. Right? Who is perfect for you?
A. Preview the Google bulletin from your device on living city.
B. Select a guest congenial to you.
C. Actively, To touch him or her through an alike hobby or a current theme.
D. Quickly, You will find your true love come near to you.
========>>> Version 2.6 <<<========
Added this App info for France in the iTunes Metadata.But not yet to support France in the APP.
+ Compatibility issues fixed.
+ User's interface to enhance for Retina Display.
+ Add new language support for German.
========>>> Version 2.3 <<<========
- Fixed a few of crash bug issues.
- Fixed the time report issues in background mode.
- Disable the function by shake device to close owl's calendar.
- Change the ding number of Chinese New year from 1 to 12.
- Fixed the time report issues in background mode.
- Disable the function by shake device to close owl's calendar.
- Change the ding number of Chinese New year from 1 to 12.
- GPS power save then high speed moving.
Add feature:
- Add ding with the time report for these special times on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve of Chinese.
- Turn off / on the flashlight by shake your device then the flashlight function to open and along Y axis to shake.
⚠ New Year's Eve of Chinese only support a few of locations. (Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Macao, Indonesia, Singapore, BRUNEI, Viet Nam)
V2.3~2.6 Features:
Powerful to✜ Track device: Auto update locate via Google +. ( can be trace by most browser).
✜ Power Saving: Less power consumption use a peculiar formula to refresh GPS. ( Can run over 5 hours in iPhone 4 )
✜ Countdown: Alert time range from 1 to 240 minutes.
✜ Alert: Guard Alert types had 3 level. ( laugh <-> angry <-> cry, Must be tap the Start button to enhance the guard alert timer then you put your device above an unacquainted table. )
✙ Anti-thief: A nicety representation to play alert via monitor Proximity & Motion sensor.
✜ Slid down detect: Real time to send out the Free fall alert.
✜ Prolong: Appeasement mode by voice with sway.
✜ Multi-country format to the owl’s calendar clock.
✜ Power to the ding of Special Holiday: XMas and New Year, Chinese New Year.
☑ Ability to Customize your pass code to stop the alert action.
Integrated with
❖ Flashlight : ( LED / Screen )
❖ Yahoo Weather (Nonsupport iPhone 3G, when there was memory issues.)
❖ Time report ( 15 mm / 30 mm / 45 mm / 1 hour ) - Shake your device to open and tap to close it.
❖ Battery State alert: Auto running in background to avoid hurting the life of battery via these unnecessary heat come from over charge. ( 25% recharge alert / Full Charge alert )
❖ Google + : Let Buzz to rich your social living, let Latitude to locate your friendship, protect your lover.
User Guide
1. Download the App, tap to run it.At this point it has been quietly call on the execution to 『Slid down detect』and 『Battery State alert』 prompted the battery status.
2. When you're rocking back and forth your device or click on the window at『central message』, you can call out 『The Owl's calendar of nations 』, 『Time Report』, 『Yahoo weather bar』. At this time such as this App to switch to the background, you can do『Time Report』in background.
When the special festivals,『Time Report』into the bell of midnight change from the owl's sound.
When you click on the top right of the 『Owl's calendar』by『Cycle image』, the calendar can switch both the local language and digital to show.
When you click on the calendar of the owl, owl calendar can close and stop『Time Report』.
3. The main screen has three buttons by『Start』, 『Flashlight』, 『Trace』:
When you tap 『Start』, App will begin『Countdown』and『Guard Alert』,『 Anti-thief』to remind you and protect your device. When the countdown to the previous minutes, gently shaking or can be used to talk on the phone, you can use to extend your functionality by『Prolong』and don't need to close these guard features right now.
Tap『Flashlight』, you can open the white lighting function with this bright screen, in the dark environment, see you want to see, ignore what you do not want to know.
Tap『Trace』, you can open to Google Buzz Web page to trace your devices and your friends, supported by 『Power Saving』and『Auto refresh』 for these GPS data in the Buzz and Latitude, and can switch to run in the background of iOS4. In the background of iOS4 mode, TMP4 can running more than 5 hours (iPad can over 10 hours).
(Except for Apple's Find My Phone, most of the GPS App are alive to 3 hours)
************** Please ignore these space letters ************
*** Full Pass Code < 5 7 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 9 0 2 5 1 1 1 1 7 3 >
Taiwanese Explain:
V2.3~ V2.6 功能:
✜ 追蹤裝置:自動背景更新、定位,強化 Google Buzz / Latitude 。 ( 能利用大部份的瀏覽器來追蹤確認 iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad 位置)
✜ 高效節能:以最低耗能的特殊演算法來做 GPS 的資料更新。 ( 經 iTunes 驗證,當充飽電後,至少可連續在 iPhone 4 上執行 5 小時以上的 GPS 的資料更新, iPad 上執行 10 小時以上)
✜ 計時倒數: 警示時間可設範圍從 1 到 240 分鐘。
✜ 防衛警示: 防衛警示形態分有三階段。 ( 呵呵笑 <-> 耍性子 <-> 號啕大哭, 如果要將你的愛機放在陌生的地方,要按下 「開始」來啓動 計時倒數 來執行防護警示。)
✜ 防盜: 以全球獨家的「含怒七步癲」是運用以 測距 與 動作 感測器 為基礎的精密防盜系統。
✜ 撥落偵測: 以全球獨家的自由落體偵測技術,來即時偵測到超過 50 CM 的撥落。例如於圖書館或吧台等公共區域,藉此功能而得以即時取回愛機。
✜ 延時: 安撫模式可以運用語音或搖晃來延長『防衛警示』而無須關閉它。
✜ 萬國日曆:開啓貓頭鷹之萬國日曆可以做當地文字與數字日曆之切換。
✜ 特殊節慶鐘聲: 聖誕節、新年元旦、中國年元旦。
☑ 能力 保護密碼:可自行設定使用者保護碼,用以關閉『防盜』、『撥落』、『防衛警示』之響聲。
❖ 手電筒:在昏暗的環境下,看清你想看到的,忽略你不想知道的 ( LED / 螢幕)。
❖ Yahoo 天氣 :自動偵測所在位置與之當時天候狀態。 (不支援 iPhone 3G,當記憶體不足)
❖ 報時 ( 15 分鐘 / 30 分鐘 / 45 分鐘 / 1 小時 ) :搖晃手機或觸摸『狀態板』來啓動『萬國日曆』,即可開啓報時功能。
❖ 電池狀態提示: 自動執行於背景,藉以偵測電池狀態是否過度充電,過度充電會產生不必要的熱源而大幅減低電池壽命。 ( 25% 充電需求提示 / 完全充電提示 )
❖ Google 網頁:提供 Plus / Gmail 自動更新功能,讓 Plus 來豐富你的社交生活,讓 Google + 定位 來追蹤、鞏固你的親友網絡、保護你的所愛。
Take Me, Phone for iOS 使用方法如下:
1. 下載此 App 後,請點擊以執行它。
❖此時它已經在背景中默默執行 『撥落偵測』、『電池狀態提示』 。
2. 當你前後搖晃手機或點擊『中央訊息窗』,即可叫出『萬國日曆』、『報時』、『Yahoo 天氣』。
❖此時如將此App 切換到背景,即可做背景『報時』。
3. 在主畫面上有三個按鍵 『開始』、『手電筒』、『追蹤』:
❖點擊『開始』,即開始執行 『計時倒數』、『防衛警示』、『防盜』來提醒及保護你的手機。倒數時間到時,可以用搖晃或對手機說說話,就可以用『延時』功能來延長『防衛警示』、『防盜』的功能。
❖點擊『追蹤』,即打開以 Google + Web page 為基底的『追蹤裝置』功能,並輔以『高效節能』的自動更新 GPS 資料於 Google +,以可於背景下,持續執行超過5小時。
(除了 Apple 的 Find My Phone 外,大多的 GPS App 都撐不過 3小時)
❖至於『Buzz / 定位』的使用方法,請參閱 Google 的說明。
自 V2.1 起已強化其運用 Gmail Buzz / Google Latitude 的追蹤功能, 一旦您允許開啓GPS功能後,即可用於追蹤,無論有無開啓防盜警示功能。其差別於防盜警示被觸發後,其 Gmail Buzz 的追蹤更新頻率會大幅提高。
iPhone 3G 下執行貓頭鷹日曆時,當鎖機後無法自行更新日曆與報時。其緣由為iPhone 3G 下無支援 Multitasks。 已於 V2.2 was fixed,此版是專為 iOS4 與背景多工應用所開發的APP,不建議在 iPhone 3G 下使用。
如果您計畫一個多人旅遊行程,您可利用本APP提供之自動更新之追蹤功能 (Auto tracing to Google + [定位] ) 來節省時間及減少友人錯失集結點的發生。
但請記得將您參與行程之友人都加入Google + 的追蹤清單中 (包括您自己),最好您的夥伴們也都如此做,就可以減少行程的耽誤與不快!
☃ < Take Me Phone for iOS4 > 分享給你的即時消息給你遠方的親友:
利用 Google Buzz 下的即時訊息,讓你直接與遠方的親人交換即時的生活點滴。
* Coding by iOS4.1
* Support Multitasks.
Take Me, Phone for iOS4 追蹤功能之說明
以曾開發 德儀 (TI) 鋰電池管理韌體的經驗來說,
A. 電池不要耗電過頭,低於 25% 時,最好就要充電,並儘量一次充到飽!
B. 電池工作溫度不要太高或太低 15度C ~ 40度C 間。(阿婆設為35度C)
C. 電池充飽電後,最好就不要再插在電源上,以免電極過度耗損或過熱!
Take Me, Phone for iOS 所附加的充電小功能 :
A. 低於 25% 時會發聲來提示充電!
B. 電池充飽電後,也會發聲來提示,以拔除電源。
Take Me, Phone for iOS 以上述小功能來延長鋰電池的使用壽命。
目前此小功能只有在 Take Me, Phone for iOS,但 Take Me, Phone 並沒有此功能。
* - Take Me, Phone
Version list: 1.4 --- Paid.
How to use this App:
Major function:
1. Seting your passcode and save it to protect your device when this alert sound to play for you.
2. Adjust this timer for you need.
3. Return main screen to tap the button of "Start" when you want to put down your device at a public table.
4. When this alert function was working, this App will play a baby cry to alert for you, if there was anybody to take it away.
User Guide
1. Download the App, tap to run it.
At this point it has been quietly call on the execution to 『Slid down detect』and 『The calendar clock of nations』.
2. When you was turned on『Time Report』at『Setting Page』, you can see the next ring time in『The calendar clock of nations』. You can do『Time Report』in the background of iOS3.x, even if you was locked up your device.
3. The main screen has three buttons by『Start』, 『Flashlight』:
When you tap 『Start』, App will begin『Countdown』and『Guard Alert』,『Anti-thief』to remind you and protect your device. When the countdown to the previous minutes, gently shaking or can be used to talk on the phone, you can use to extend your functionality by『Prolong』and don't need to close these guard features right now.
Tap『Flashlight』, you can open the white lighting function with this bright screen, in the dark environment, see you want to see, ignore what you do not want to know.
4. 『Power Saving』, In the background of iOS3.x, TMP can running more than 10 hours or iPad 1st can over 20 hours in iOS3.x.
Background running issues in iOS4.x
⚠ This limitation of iOS4.x from Apple will make a lot of Apps can't run it in the background of iOS4.x.
This App was designed for iOS 3.x
If you was running it in this iOS3.x, you could find out this App can work in background for these time reports or the alert function, even if your was locked up your device.
This power saving function of time report could be to help your device to extend its battery life in iOS3.x.
===========> Important Notice <===========
======== Notice =========
* Keep << Take Me, Phone >> in your iPhone to run can provide a alert when your iPhone happened a unknowing drop.
* If you want to stop the countdown function of << Take Me, Phone >>, you can tap the center of < xx:xx > to get this unlock button.
* If you run << Take Me, Phone >> in this background of iOS 4.x, you can keep your selected function to run.
======== Notice =========
OS & Device requests:
Device supports: iphone 3G / 3GS and later.
OS supports: iPhone 3.1 and later.
Language supports:
- English
- Traditional Chinese (TW)
- Simplified Chinese (CN)
- Japanese
********* Take me, Phone *************
** Do you remember?
** I am your baby.
** Always on table.
** Don't let me alone.
** If you love me,
** Please take me home.
********* Take me, Phone *************
(>0<) ~ Lost your phone, always to break you and your friend's heart.
✜ Power to Countdown: Alert time range from 1 to 240 minutes.
✜ Power to Alert: Guard Alert types had 3 level. ( laugh <-> angry <-> cry, Must be tap the Start button to enhance the guard alert timer then you put your device above an unacquainted table. )
✜ Power to Anti-thief: A nicety representation to play alert via monitor Proximity & Motion sensor.
✜ Power to Slid down detect: Real time to send out the Free Fall alert.
✜ Power to Prolong: Appeasement mode by voice with sway.
✜ Power to Multi-country format to the calendar clock.
✜ Power to the ding of Special Holiday: Xmas and New Year, Chinese New Year.
✜ Power to Power Saving: Could run over 10 hours in iOS3.x
❖ Integrate with Flashlight.
❖ Integrate with Time report ( Stop / 15 mm / 30 mm / 1 hh )
☑ Ability to Customize your pass code to stop the alert action.
☑ Ability to Touch switch for Adv banner.
☑ Ability to iOS 4.x compatibility supports.
=====> 繁體中文說明 <=====
♕ 此程式由iOS3.1設計,可於iOS3.x下鎖機並於背景執行:防盜警報、自由落體警報、報時。PS:由於自iOS4.x 開始,鎖機時並不支援加速計資料更新,因此於iOS4.x下無法執行背景之防盜警報、自由落體警報。
鎖機:指按下於 iPhone機身右上方之休眠按鍵。
♕ 背景報時於V1.1後開始支援,並經Apple iTunes 測試該節能功能:於iOS3.x下並鎖機時,可執行此背景報時功能超過10小時。
PS: 筆者自行測試則有超過18小時之記錄,並可延長其待機時間。
✦✦✦ 在3G網路運作下,如遇充電不便時,可啓動此背景報時功能以延長其待機時間。
********* Take me, Phone *************
** 你該記得吧!
** 誰是你寶貝;
** 愛賴在桌上,
** 甭讓我孤單。
** 如果還愛我,
** 就一起回家。
********* Take me, Phone *************
(> 0 <)〜遺失您的電話,總是傷了你和你的朋友的心。
設備支援:iPhone 3G / 3GS和 iPod Touch 2nd 與 iPad 更高版本。
操作系統支援:iOS 3.1和更高版本。
✙ 警報時間:
設定從 1到240分鐘以倒數來提示你。
✙ 防盜 :
接近 和 運動 感測器的支援。
♕ 當按下<開始>以啓動本功能後,即啓動「含怒七步癲」的警戒防扒的能耐。
✙ 警報類型:
有3個級別。 (笑 < - > 生氣 < - > 哭)
✙ 撥落桌面:
✙ 安撫功能:
✙ 用戶設定的密碼:
✙ 報時:( Stop / 15 mm / 30 mm / 1 hh )
✙ 節能功能:第一支擁有此功能的APP。
A. 延長待機時間(當報時功能開啓並鎖機於 iOS3.x 系統下)。
B. 報時功能開啓並鎖機時,可執行此程式超過10小時。
✙ 手電筒
- 自由落體警報動作級別:
您的iPhone從超過 50厘米的桌面掉落。
- 警報類型:
> 1級:呵呵笑(5秒/週期)
> 2級:耍性子(10秒/週期)
> 3級:嚎啕大哭(25秒/週期)
- 避免遺失警報:(警報類型:3級)
嘗試去避免扒手從您的桌面竊取 iPhone。
- 安撫功能的行動:
- 輸入密碼解鎖:
密碼被設計來保護您的設定值,並保持這些警報動作週期。如果您忘記了密碼,請輸入以下數字來解鎖。 (無包括空間字符)
************************************************** *****************
*** 萬用碼為 “5 7 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 9 0 2 5 1 1 1 1 7 3” ***
************************************************** *****************
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS to Notice ◀
Pasted “Perfecting Signals” on your battery back cover,A best of internet speed will be amazing.
Clean & Enhance your signal:
3G & 3GS ⇧50~80%
4G & 4GS ⇧20~30%, it need a special paste/insert method to use for ⇧50~80%.
iPhone5 ⇧10~15%, it need a special paste/insert method to use for ⇧50~80%.
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS 特爆 ◀
『完美訊號』 貼 機 背,
收 信 飆 網 賽 群 雄;
舊 機 回 春 不 是 夢,
輕 松 一 貼 即 上 工!
3G & 3GS ⇧50~80%
4G & 4GS ⇧20~30%,肉眼難以判斷,需要特殊方法才能達到⇧50~80%,否則請斟酌使用!
iPhone5 ⇧10~15%,肉眼難以判斷,需要特殊方法才能達到⇧50~80%,否則請斟酌使用!
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS 特爆 ◀
『完美讯号』 贴 机 背,
收 信 飙 网 赛 群 雄;
旧 机 回 春 不 是 梦,
轻 松 一 贴 即 上 工!
3G & 3GS ⇧50~80%
4G & 4GS ⇧20~30%,肉眼难以判断,需要特殊方法才能达到⇧50~80%,否则请斟酌使用!
iPhone5 ⇧10~15%,肉眼难以判断,需要特殊方法才能达到⇧50~80%,否则请斟酌使用!
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS 特別な爆発 ◀
『完美訊號』 貼 機 背,
收 信 飆 網 傲 群 機!
3G & 3GS ⇧50~80%
4G & 4GS ⇧20~30%
iPhone5 ⇧10~15%
▶ iPhone3G y iPhone3GS de aviso ◀
Pegados “Perfecting Signals” en su contrapartida batería, una mejor velocidad de Internet será increíble.
Limpie y Mejore su señal:
3G y 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G y 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G et iPhone3GS pour avis ◀
Collés “Perfecting Signals” à votre couverture arrière de la batterie, un lest of de la vitesse d'Internet sera incroyable.
Nettoyez et améliorer votre signal:
3G et 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G et 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS Hinweis ◀
Pasten “Perfecting Signals” auf Ihrer Batterie rückseitige Abdeckung, A besten Internet-Geschwindigkeit wird erstaunlich sein.
Clean & Verbessern Sie Ihr Signal:
3G & 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G & 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G e iPhone3GS para notar ◀
Colados “Perfecting Signals” na sua tampa traseira da bateria, A melhor velocidade de internet vai ser incrível.
Limpe e Melhore o seu sinal:
3G e 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G & 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G iPhone3GS e accorgersi ◀
Incollati “Perfecting Signals” sul retro della batteria, una migliore velocità di internet sarà sorprendente.
Pulire e Migliora il tuo segnale:
3G e 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G e 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ и iPhone3G iPhone3GS к извещению ◀
Склеенную “Perfecting Signals” на вашем Задняя крышка батареи, лучшее из интернета будет удивительно.
Очистите и Повысьте сигнал:
3G и 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G и 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS naar Merk ◀
Geplakt “Perfecting Signals” op uw batterij back cover, Een beste van internet snelheid is verbluffend.
Clean & Verbeter uw signaal:
3G & 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G & 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G & iPhone3GS att märka ◀
Inklistrade “Perfecting Signals” på ditt batteri bakstycket En bästa av internet hastighet kommer att bli fantastiskt.
Clean & Förbättra signal:
3G & 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80%
4G och 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30%
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15%
▶ iPhone3G 및 iPhone3GS 고시 ◀
“Perfecting Signals” 붙여배터리 뒤 표지, 인터넷 속도 최고에 굉장 할 것이다.
청소 및 신호를 강화 :
3G & 3GS ⇧ 50 ~ 80 %
4G & 4GS ⇧ 20 ~ 30 %
iPhone5 ⇧ 10 ~ 15 %
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