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Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas, Share your festival atmosphere to everyone

Merry Christmas, Share your festival atmosphere to everyone!

 Take Me Phone V1.4
此版追加了 平安夜的鐘聲。

在 24 日午夜12點的整點報時之後,清亮平和的鐘聲會帶給您一個充滿喜樂的平安夜。
☃ 鐘聲的特殊時刻:聖誕節前夕及元旦前夕與中國年除夕。

iTunes Link

 iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 如已使用 iOS4.x ,
建議購買 Take Me, Phone for iOS4
Take Me, Phone for iOS4 V2.2 也已內增平安夜的鐘聲(及元旦前夕與中國年除夕)
iTunes Link


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alpha Ruler V1.0 Release Now (iPad Only)

Alpha Ruler V1.0 Release Now
( iPad Only)

The best Christmas gift to your child.

☃ 给你的孩子最好的圣诞节礼物。

Le meilleur cadeau de Noël pour votre enfant.

Die besten Weihnachts-Geschenk für Ihr Kind.

☃ あなたの子供に最高のクリスマス贈り物。


☃ 자녀에게 최고의 크리스마스 선물.

лучшие рождественские подарки для детей.

El mejor regalo de Navidad para su hijo.

☃ O melhor presente de Natal para a criança




☕ Move your fingers, easy your gauge! (measurement) 
✐ For your small pets doing its growth diary.

☕ Mueva los dedos, fácil su calibre! (medición)
✐ Ayudar a los pequeños animales domésticos en casa para hacer su registro de crecimiento diario.

☕ 蘭指撥挪,輕鬆量測。
☕ 指を移動する、測定するの簡単!
☕ 를 움직여당신의 손가락, 쉽게당신 측정!

☕ 兰指拨挪,轻松量测。

✐ 為家中的小寵物做做成長日記。
✐ For your small pets doing its growth diary.
✐ 家庭小型のペットの成長日記行う
✐ Für Ihre kleinen Haustiere tut ihr Wachstum Tagebuch.
✐ Pour vos petits animaux de compagnie faisant son l'agenda de la croissance.
✐ 도움말 가정을위한 작은 애완 동물 개발 일기 만들기  

Alpha Ruler 是設計為小東西甚至是小寵物量測大小的透明尺。
- 透明尺之單位有英制與公制,英制可用幾分之幾表示 (7/32, 3/16, ...)
- 待測物(可以是活體),無須固定,量測時,用兩指來直接移動並逼近。(寬、高 皆可)
- 最近一次之測量結果可編輯剪貼!
- iPad 旋轉後,透明尺即可歸零!

小小寵物:鍬形蟲、獨腳仙、蠶寶寶、蝌蚪 等等!
小東西:螺帽、螺釘、緞帶、戒指、假睫毛 等等!

Alpha Ruler is designed to measure for your small things and the size of a small pet by these transparent rulers.

- These rulers have on the imperial and metric units, inch could available to express by a complex fraction (7 / 32, 3 / 16, 3  7 / 8...)
- DUT (your pet which may be living), unnecessary fixed it, When the measurement action, use two fingers to move and direct approach. (width, height also can do it)
- Most recently the measurement results can edit the clip!
- Rotation your iPad can reset these rulers!

Small pets can be used as the growth record of the tool, if your family has these growth children and pets, is on the best election for Christmas!
Small pets: stag beetles, butterfly, silkworms, tadpole, and more!
Small things: nut, bolt, ribbon, ring, false eyelashes, and more!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Take Me, Phone V1.4 Release from Dec 21!

Take Me, Phone V1.4 Release from Dec 21!

☃ Add ding for these special times on Xmas Eve and New Year's ( & Chinese) Eve.

⌨ Improve the calendar's format for the globe.

☃ 新增钟声为这些特殊时刻:圣诞节前夕及元旦前夕与中国年除夕。
☃ Xmasと大晦日と中国の大晦日:これらの特別な瞬間の鐘を追加します。
☃ 新增鐘聲為這些特殊時刻:聖誕節前夕及元旦前夕與中國年除夕。

Friday, December 3, 2010

Take Me, Phone for iOS4 V2.2 Release now

Take Me, Phone for iOS4 V2.2 Release now!

Bug fixed:
- Calendar view display issue then shake device too fast.
- Calendar refresh issue for iPhone 3G running in iOS4.0 ~ iOS4.1

- GPS power save then high speed moving.

Add feature:
- Add ding with the time report for these special times on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve of Chinese.
- Turn off / on  the flashlight by shake your device then the flashlight function to open and along Y axis to shake.

⚠ New Year's Eve of Chinese only support a few of locations. (Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Macao, Indonesia, Singapore, BRUNEI, Viet Nam)

    If you have plan a trip with your friends, you can use our function (Auto tracing to Google Buzz) to save your time and reduce somebody miss at your venue of contract. 
    But please add your partners of trip to trace in the Google Buzz and everyone partners also need to do such for best
    Your trip will get more and more those fine memories for you and your partners.

    如果您計畫一個多人旅遊行程,您可利用本APP提供之自動追蹤功能 (Auto tracing to Google Buzz) 來節省時間及減少友人錯失集結點的發生。
    但請記得將您參與行程之友人都加入Google Buzz 的追蹤清單中 (包括您自己),最好您的夥伴們也都如此做,就可以減少行程的耽誤與不快!